Mikser Design Festival schreibt Wettbewerb aus
About the Competition:
Slogan for 2012 is “GET REAL!“. Instead of pleading to manufacturers to start appreciating local design talents, the organisation Mikser is intensifying its proactive role in bringing young designer’s projects to a real market by starting its own production, in the midst of the economic crisis. “GET REAL!” is a call to designers to do their share of making the world a more pleasurable place to live and to take social and economic challenges as an inspiration for solutions that open up new possibilities for our tumultuous times.
Products, furniture, lighting, interior elements, everyday objects, home accessories, stationary, aid products and recycled materials that offer innovative yet rational solutions to everyday problems, will be evaluated according to the following criteria: • innovative features that enhance the quality of contemporary life, • ergonomics, • rational production costs • an environmentally friendly production process.
Die VIENNA DESIGN WEEK gastierte 2010 mit der Tape Installation von Numen/ For Use und 2011 mit dem Heurigen von bindermayer am Mikser Festival und war stets angetan von der virilen Energie Belgrads und seiner Design-Szene. Die Wettbewerb Sieger werden ebenfalls am diesjährigen Mikser Festival präsentiert - zahlreiche österreichische Beiträge sind erwünscht! Also. auf zur Einreichung!