Marchsteiner Uli - IMG_ULI.jpg
Marchsteiner Uli - IMG_ULI.jpg, Raúl Torrent

Uli Marchsteiner

Uli Marchsteiner studied at the University of Art and Design in Linz. He has made Barcelona his home for many years and works on exhibitions that are devoted to topics of current interest in design. However, he has also developed numerous products himself. From 1997 to 2001 he curated such thematic exhibitions at the Kunsthalle Krems as Haltbar bis... and Error Design. In Barcelona he organized a number of activities, like the Primavera Design Biennale 2001 and a large exhibition for the 2004 Universal World Forum of Cultures. Since 1998 he has been a professor at the EINA School of Design and Art. From 2006 to 2009 he served as president of the Association of Industrial Designers in Barcelona (ADI-FAD), and in 2010 he received an honorary award from the City of Linz.

Uli Marchsteiner
Paseo Maragall, 265 Entl.2ª

08032 Barcelona