Luca Celine Müller

Theresa Hattinger

Theresa Hattinger, who was born in Salzburg in 1989, works as an artist and designer with language, textiles, and drawings. She studied graphic design, stage design, and illustration. She has exhibited numerous location-specific works in the public realm – from minimal interventions to projects covering entire cities. Hattinger has worked on stage sets for experimental and performative theatrical and urban investigation projects and also published a children’s book.

Theresa Hattinger has been awarded a number of grants and prizes, including the Federal Startup Grant. Her oeuvre is represented in the collections of the MAK in Vienna, the Province of Salzburg, and the Austrian National Library. Her artistic focus is formally reduced yet materially complex communication: Powerful, graphic forms and strong colors merge together to create her concept-oriented works.

Theresa Hattinger