Stiege13 is an independent space for contemporary art in a public housing complex in Brigittenau. The simple design and the tall residential blocks in Johann-Kaps-Hof are typical features of the late 1950s, when the main objective was to rebuild all that had been destroyed. The only elements that structure the street façades are the constant window grid and the glazed staircases. Around the end of the nineteenth century, the site contained a single story house with stables and there were also plans for a public square at the junction of Jägerstraße and Stromstraße. The complex was jointly realized in two phases by the four architects Rotraut Hommer, Richard Horner, (Franz) Hubert Matuschek, and Anton Ubl, who also worked as a designer, and was opened in October 1962. In addition to shops, a children’s daycare center, and an old people’s home, the complex now houses the gallery Stiege13. This was founded in autumn 2019 and is run by Daniel Ramirez, Helmut Heiss, and Bernhard Fuchs.