Mostböck Martin - MM_Portrait_BW_11.jpg
Mostböck Martin - MM_Portrait_BW_11.jpg, Martin Mostböck

Martin Mostböck

Martin Mostböck was born in Vienna where he studied Architecture at the University of Technology and received his Diploma in 1994. Since then he has been working at the studio of Coop Himmelb(l)au in the fields of architecture, design, construction and urban planning. Martin Mostböck has taught Design and was lecturer at the University of Technology Vienna and the MAK Academy (Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna). He has received various national and international Awards and nominations for his work (Good Design Award, red dot Award, Adolf Loos Award – Austrian State Prize for Design, International Design Award Baden-Württemberg etc.). Mostböcks work and design have been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, Asia, North America and Australia.

Martin Mostböck
Schönlaterngasse 5/4/3

1010 Wien