Badebrunnen in Loosdorf
Badebrunnen in Loosdorf, Iris Andraschek, 2006

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich, Land Niederösterreich, Abteilung Kunst u. Kultur

The Department of Art and Culture/Art in the Public Space of the Province of Lower Austria has been sponsoring and realizing artistic projects in the public space since the 1980s. The projects range from autonomous sculptures and street furniture to temporary contextualizations and communicative interventions, designing squares, concepts for memorials and monuments, and art projects created together with the local citizens. An eight-member jury of experts recommends Austrian and international artists, designers, and architects for these projects. By 2012, approximately 500 projects had already been realized in all of Lower Austria. They, along with outreach programmes and symposia for art in the public space, are documented every two years in the volumes of Veröffentlichte Kunst.

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich, Land Niederösterreich, Abteilung Kunst u. Kultur
Landhausplatz 1

3109 St. Pölten