The GB*3/11 is the local contact partner in the districts of Landstrasse and Simmerung for questions about housing and the housing environment. It is a major partner in the ‘soft urban renewal’ programme and thus contributes to the enhancement of home living and the quality of life in Vienna. The GB*3/11 is active both in districts established in the Gründerzeit, the period of industrial expansion in the second half of the nineteenth century, and also in newly built areas. It provides counselling in rights of residence, initiates cultural impulses in the neighbourhood and positive action in the public space, activates and involves residents, and is always at hand in the development of new urban districts.
The GB*3/11 works on commission of the MA 25 – urban renewal and inspecting authority for residential housing, business group residence, housing development and urban renewal, City Councillor for Housing Dr Michael Ludwig.
Fiakerplatz 1
1030 Wien