

FREITAG's Happiness Maker

For its 25th birthday, the Swiss bag manufacturer FREITAG wished for nothing less than a happier world. To achieve that, they advertised the post of Executive Vice Pleasident for Global Happiness and were pleased to have found Allan Dransfield, who for ten years had been investigating the symbolism of a simple jump as a universal vessel of happiness. Allan Dransfield hails from a backwater in the north of England, studied automobile design at Coventry University and today lives in Lodz, Poland. For Allan, luck is all about people, their relationships with one another and shared moments. On this huge planet of ours, with all its cultural and geographic diversity, it seems that actions usually speak louder than words. On his one-year journey in FREITAG’s service, he was in search of a universal code for happiness with a string of social experiments. 

Binzmühlestraße 170b

8050 Zürich