FH JOANNEUM / University of Applied Sciences
The design courses of the FH JOANNEUM Graz (University of Applied Sciences) pursue a holistic approach to design, ranging from a purely user-oriented to an inter- and trans-disciplinary idea of creative action: as integrator of the humanities and social studies, science and engineering, also economics, industry,
culture and administration. Design that is just as focused on research, theory and reflection as it is on practice. Design that is conscious of its social and political, cultural and intercultural responsibility, gives orientation and solves issues for society and environment. Design that sees its creative potential as enlight-
enment and aspires to simplification and the comprehensible rendering of complex products, services, volumes of data and information structures.
Institut Design & Kommunikation / Institut Product & Transportation Design
Alte Poststraße 150-152
8020 Graz