Erwin Perzys Original Wiener Schneekugeln
Two inventions by Erwin Perzy I led to the establishment of his company in 1900. On New Year’s Eve he had watched while his sisters struggled to melt lead balls over a candle flame for the tradition of pouring molten lead into water to tell one’s fortune for the following year. As he watched, Perzy came upon the idea of marketing in the form of lucky charms a metal alloy that melted easily. The Viennese New Year’s casting tradition has enjoyed great popularity for more than 100 years.
During his experiments to improve the brightness of the electric light bulb, Perzy invented the snow globe by chance. Since the pilgrimage church in Mariazell was created as the first motif in a snow globe, more than 300 other motifs have been added, not including special orders. Large American and Japanese department stores, importers in many countries of the world, and advertising agencies have for decades valued the company as a reliable partner.
Schumanngasse 87
1170 Wien