die ProtoTypen
On Preysinggasse 5, the ProtoTypen Bernhard Ranner and Lukas Porak are running a workshop with a creative agenda. Formerly a coach-making factory, then carpentry, later metalworking shop, the location can look back at a long tradition as a site for crafts. – For three years now it has been a hub for designers, artists, and start-ups. In short: for people with ideas. For the Prototypen it is their interdisciplinary background of industrial design and biotechnology that forms the basis of out-of-the-ordinary approaches towards the development and implementation of creative visions. They cannot be categorized through material or technology – they work with modern CNC technology as much as with classical handicraft.
die ProtoTypen
Preysinggasse 5
1150 Wien
Preysinggasse 5
1150 Wien