IN Residence Design Dialogue


We are pround to announce the workshop "INTRA-TEMPORALITY" of our program partner "IN Residence". As protagonists, in the role of the tutors are Julien Carretero and the duo Giorgia Zanellato and Daniele Bortotto.

During four days of intense and continuous interaction with each other, with the tutors and with the program curators, the participants are invited to explore the theme "Intra-Temporality".


The impact – above all cultural in nature – of technological evolution on society is changing the behavioral habits of individuals, in keeping with also radical variations that force our biorhythms to take on characteristics of dynamic variability. The subjection of vital rhythmical cycles to constant disturbance can influence our perception of time in a significant way; the trend towards a progressive and apparently irreversible acceleration of our lives forces us to value time as an increasingly precious resource.

The workshop takes place for September 27 - September 30.

For further information please click here.