WerkStadt Vienna goes Milano!
an exhibition by VIENNA DESIGN WEEK in cooperation with the MAK
CURATOR — Sophie Lovell
EXHIBITION DESIGN — Studio Makkink & Bey
DESIGNERS — Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky (AT), Adrien Rovero (CH), Charlotte Talbot (FR), Daphna Laurens (NL), Julia Landsiedl (AT), LucidiPevere (IT), Marco Dessí (IT), Mark Braun (DE), Martino Gamper (GB) and Kim Tien (AT), Matylda Krzykowski (NL), Max Lamb (GB), Maxim Velcovsky/Qubus Design studio (CZ), Mischer’traxler (AT), Polka (AT), Tomás Alonso (ES), and Thomas Kral (SK)
COMPANIES (SELECTION) — Augarten, J. & L. Lobmeyr, Mühlbauer Hats, Riess Email, Rozet & Fischmeister, Wiener Silber Manufactur, Wittmann Möbelwerkstätten, Woka
The exhibition "WerkStadt Vienna" showcases a selection of curated collaborations between designers and manufacturers in Vienna throughout the last years. Centuries of craft skills are mixed with new design thinking, showing that design can be inspiring to everyone — producer and consumer alike.
Ventura Lambrate
Via Privata Oslavia 17, 20134 Milano, Italy
General Opening Hours —
Tue, April 9 — Sat, April 13, 10h – 20h
Sun, April 14, 10h – 18h
Opening —
Wed, April 10, 20h – 22h