Many have been waiting eagerly for it, now we can reveal it:

The focal district of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2023 is Leopoldstadt, the 2nd district of Vienna!


Two of the four OPEN CALLS will remain open for submissions until mid-June.

The PLATFORM or FOKUS formats offer the opportunity to be present at the festival with your own content. Don't miss the chance to become an active part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK!

PS: You don't have an exhibition location yet? We have space for you in our festival headquarters! Feel free to contact us about this!
Call for objects
extended until 15.6.2023

Call for exhibitors
extended until 15.6.2023


The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK shows Vienna for ten days in autumn as the well-known "City Full of Design" with around 200 events throughout the city. Every year, the festival also focuses on a specific part of the city in order to keep discovering something new – especially in one's own city. In 2023 this will be the 2nd district of Vienna, Leopoldstadt.

The second stretches east of downtown Vienna. Its history is long and diverse: Originally an island between two arms of the Danube, it served as a settlement area for fishermen. In the 19th century, the population grew rapidly and Leopoldstadt became a densely populated working-class district.

Today the second district is versatile, lively and multicultural. It is popular for its colourful mix of historical and modern architecture. One of the district's attractions is the Prater, a large public green space also world-famous for its amusement park with the famous Riesenrad.

Leopoldstadt is traditionally one of the centres of "Jewish Vienna" and is an important cultural and social meeting point for the city's Jewish community. Here you will find historic synagogues, Jewish shops and restaurants. Between the park and industrial area, the stadium and exhibition centre, Danube and Danube Canal, gentrified Grätzel and new development areas, but many other communities have also found a home.

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK visited this district more than a decade ago. This time the festival headquarters are on the edge of the Prater. The program will gather its highlights around the merry-go-round, green oases, Praterstrasse Boulevard and the Danube Canal.

We get things moving!

In cooperation with the Swiss watch manufacturer Rado, the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is showing new works by six motion designers over the course of the year. As part of the "Rado Moving Materials" competition, they have the unique opportunity to impress on the video wall of the Rado Boutique with installations made especially for the location.

From March to August, a new animation will be shown one week per month. All the works will then be shown again during the festival – and it will be announced which of the six projects has won the Rado Moving Materials prize.

Episode 4, 30.6.–6.7.
Theresa Hattinger

Episode 5, 28.7.–3.8.
Andrew Palfinger

Episode 6, 1.9.-7.9.


We are particularly pleased to be able to present the first top-class PLATFORM partners who have confirmed their participation in the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2023: Barbara Gollackner,  co/rizomDesgin Without BordersDesign in GesellschaftdesignaustriaGreen Future ClubIKEA, Johanna Schörkhuber – iX Kunst im Raum, KohlmaierKorea Kulturzentrum WienLaufenLobmeyrMAK - Museum für angewandte KunstMezza—MaisoMiki MartinekMöbelmuseum WienNew Design UniversityNoemi NiederhauserPolnisches Institut WienSlowenisches Kulturinformationszentrum SKICATREWITUniversität für angewandte Kunst WienVöslauer..

Do you also want to be part of the festival? Get in touch with us and we will discuss individual options. All information can be found here.