The exhibition "WerksStadt Vienna. Design Engaging the City" displays outstanding examples of the annual "Passionswege" project taking place since 2006 in the context of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, which sounds out the innovative potential released by bringing together Viennese material knowledge and technology with the approaches of experimental designers.
Guest Curator: Sophie Lovell, Berlin
Curator: Thomas Geisler, Curator MAK Design Collection
Design: Studio Makkink & Bey, Rotterdam
Tomás Alonso (ES), Mark Braun (DE), breadedEscalope (AT), Uli Budde (DE), DanklHampel (AT), Daphna Laurens (NL), Marco Dessí (IT), Patrycja Domanska (PL), Martino Gamper (IT), Megumi Ito (AT), Steffen Kehrle (DE), Tomas Kral (CH), Matylda Krzykowski (PL), Max Lamb (GB), Julia Landsiedl (AT), Tina Lehner (AT), LucidiPevere (IT), Philippe Malouin (CA), mischer’traxler (AT), Nicolas Le Moigne (CH), Polka (AT), Daniel Pošta (CZ), Adrien Rovero (FR), Robert Rüf (AT), Soda Designers (AT), Charlotte Talbot (FR), Walter Thaler (IT), Kim Tien (AT), Vandasye (AT), Maxim Velcovský (CZ), Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky (AT), White Elephant (AT), Marei Wollersberger (AT)
Duration: Dec 12, 2012 - Mar, 17, 2013
Venue: MAK - Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna
Opening hours: Tue 10:00-22:00, Wed-Sun 10:00-18:00
Tickets: € 7,90 (reduced: € 5,50), every Tuesday 18:00-22:00 free Entry
An exhibition of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK in cooperation with the MAK.