The office of tomorrow has brains
Bene Expert Talk "SMART WORKING"
Bene, a programme partner of this year's VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, organizes an expert talk on "SMART WORKING" on October 4. An international panel of representatives from the fields of architecture and design, science, consulting and business discuss the developments of the new world of work and illuminate the various dimensions.
18:00 Inlet & Welcome
18:30 Presentation by Wolfgang Neubert (Chief Marketing Bene AG)
Expert Talk in English with:
Giuseppe Boscherini (Architect, Industrial and Interior Designer)
Gita V Langston (Customer Experience Expert)
Tom Lloyd (Designer)
Jurian van Meel (Senior Researcher)
20:00 Networking Cocktail at the Bene showroom
Date: Mon, Oct 4
Location: Bene Vienna, Neutorgasse 4-8, 1010 Vienna
Please register until Sep 7 under: viennadesignweek@bene.com