Due to a biological process, shapes and colours of the content transform inside the petri dishes. Thereby time becomes percievable and the passant becomes a witness of elapsed days in a way. The installation TEMPUSCOPE by the designstudio March Gut tests the alchemy of time at the current RADO STAR PRIZE AUSTRIA 2013.
March Gut´s statement: „TEMPUSCOPE defines moment and duration simultaniously. It causes a time period and makes its inner tranformation more visible for the outside. Meanwhile the persihable stands for both growth and decay equally.”
Thereby the designers attach perti dishes with coloured breeding ground on one copper plate that extends itself across the shop window of the RADO store on Kärntner Straße, Vienna. Later it undergoes a special biological process that transforms the liquid´s shape and colour within the installation time. After four weeks a mutated, reshaped installtion will have been developed. In combination with the usual exhibited RADO watches, an image is created that symbolises moment and time such as present and past.
The Swiss watch manufacturer Rado invites talented designers yearly to adapt the corporate credo into their own design that revolves around making possible ideas become reality. From January to April 2013, selected designers will have the opportunity to present their installations for one whole month. Additionally the most innovative and most visionary project will be rewarded with the RADO STAR PRIZE AUSTRIA 2013 this October. Showroom of this contest will be Rado Store on Kärtnerstraße that counts to one of the most vivid and prestigious pedestrian areas in Vienna.