MAK-Ausstellungsansicht / Exhibition View "WerkStadt Vienna. Design Engaging the City"
MAK-Ausstellungsansicht / Exhibition View "WerkStadt Vienna. Design Engaging the City", MAK/Katrin Wißkirchen

Talk "WerkStadt Vienna"

Talk "WerkStadt Vienna. Design Engaging the City"

Rediscovering a city’s manufacturing culture. A talk within the context of the exhibitionr "WerkStadt Vienna. Design Engaging the City".

Date: Tue, Feb 5, 18:00
Venue: MAK-Lecture Hall, Weiskirchnerstraße 3, 1010 Vienna

Talk Guests:
Carl Auböck, Architect, Workshop Carl Auböck
Tulga Beyerle, Direktor VIENNA DESIGN WEEK
Alexandra Feichtner, section.a gmbh
Harald Gründl, Designer, Partner EOOS
Bettina Leidl, Geschäftsführerin departure
Axel Kufus, Berlin University of the Arts
Ferdinand Piatnik, Viennese playing card factory Piatnik

Thomas Geisler, Curator, MAK Design Collection

Free admission
no reservation required
held in German

In context of design> new strategie, a cooperation of MAK and departure