Stadtarbeit / CityWork
The format Stadtarbeit was developed within VIENNA DESIGN WEEK and offers designers the chance during the festival to take part in a project dealing with social design. Through the intensive conceptual exchange and support of our long-term general partner Erste Bank, it was possible to sharpen the cutting edge of this theme in a local community. Meanwhile Stadtarbeit offered a call for ideas, which attracted a flurry of international participations. Five extraordinary projects out of 51 submissions were selected by the jury due to their specific quality in view of social issues. The projects take place partly in cooperation with Caritas Wien and are realized during the festival.
Auf 'ne Limo
Lene Benz, Adrian Judt, Susanne Mariacher, Helene Schauer
A Ton
Sarah Maria Kamleitner & Johann Kamleitner
Blaustelle - develop your city
Matthias Garzon-Lapierre, Alexander Gotter, Anna Hagen, Niko Havranek, Sebastian Hofer, Norah Joskowitz, Nils Lücke und Andreas Wiesenhofer
Kulturverein Kopfhoch
From Labour to Work - IDRV meets Post-Labouratory
Harald Gründl, Viktoria Heinrich (IDRV) & Ottonie von Roeder (Post-Laboratory)
Behind Bourgeois
Johanna Pichlbauer in Zusammenarbeit mit Kay Kender und Lisa Hofer