Silver Shines and Sugar Sticks
The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has exciting design teams in its portfolio every year, but only now, in its fourth year, has the festival’s team of directors succeeded in linking up with the LIECHTENSTEIN MUSEUM for a collaboration with substance, for the museum has long been a generous host of the opening celebrations. The occasion is provided by the coming exhibition Das Prunkservice des Herzogs Albert von Sachsen-Teschen. Ein Triumph der europäischen Silberschmiedekunst [The Ceremonial Silver of Duke Albert of Saxe-Teschen: A Triumph of the European Silversmith’s Art], which will be on view from 3 December 2010 in the LIECHTENSTEIN MUSEUM. The result can be admired starting on Friday, but this much can already be disclosed: Olgoj Chorchoj, falling back on their Czech producer network, will delight our inner child with a surprising increase in scale. In their exploration of the European table culture, Makkink & Bey have been inspired by the history of sugar, the import and price of which are closely connected with Europe’s economic interests today, just as they were with those of the colonial powers. The centrepiece of this complex installation in silver has been produced by Jarosinsky & Vaugoin, and because the main theme revolves around sugar, the former court confectioner Demel will not be far away. For their contribution, however, Claesson Koivisto Rune, in line with Scandinavian pragmatism, have developed a product series with glass carafes that are always the same (and hand-blown by Lobmeyr), but with lids that are always different (created with the finest craftsmanship by the Wiener Silber Manufactur). In this way a carafe is endowed with many varied functions and looks. The result is a design show that spans the range from the conceptual to the commercial, thus reflecting the European design culture in its fascinating variety. The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is especially pleased at the opportunity of networking international designers with companies in Vienna/Austria and thus being able to present an outstanding cross-section of European design in Vienna during the month of October.