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Showdown in Hernals

On Saturday 9 October VIENNA DESIGN WEEK once more has several highlights to offer. In the afternoon it is highly recommended to once more visit the Vienna district of Hernals with a street fair taking place and a presentation of the Linz-based designers MARCH GUT. The latter have run a temporary design studio in Hernalser Hauptstraße and will present their intelligent system furniture, among other objects. Moreover, the installation/public intervention “everybody’s bench” by the Milan collective esterni can be viewed, which, with the participation of neighbors and passers-by, “grew” along the Vienna Palffygasse. But it can not only be viewed: Starting 4 pm, the bench elements will be subject to a public auction. So those of you who always wanted a real “designer piece” have the chance of bidding and buying – although this time we are talking about furniture for courtyards and gardens rather than your living room. Those who stay until the evening should definitely go visit the wonderful temporary “Heuriger” by the Vienna architects bindermayer, held daily until Sunday under the motto “1/4 serious, 3/4 fun” and located in a former ball pen-factory at Kalvarienberggasse. In an atmosphere between urban and traditionally Viennese the guests can try the wine made in the vineyards around Vienna and encounter guests from the local cultural scene (on Saturday night the author and musician Oliver Gruen will be “on stage” from 7 pm). And for those who still don’t want to go home two parties also are on schedule that night. One is open-air and will take place at the underground station Alsterstraße where the two Dutch designers Rikkert Paauw and Jet van Zwieten have adapted a large container and turned it, with material brought to them by the local inhabitants, into a pavilion and meeting point. At KUNSTHALLE wien project space karlsplatz we will be celebrating nine days of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Laboratory, where international guests from the fields of graphic and product design have experimented under the title of “papermania”. The party will be open end!