Pecha Kucha @ Vienna Design Week 8.10.2011
Pecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham (Klein Dytham architecture), was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers and architects to meet, network, and show their work in public. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding ever lasting presentations: Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show their work.
Since its introduction Pecha Kucha has spread over more than 400 cities with events on a regular basis, visit www.pecha-kucha.org for more information in English.
If You want to make a Pecha Kucha please send an email to 20-20@pechakucha.at giving a short description what you want to talk about, respectively if available, send us some material about your work (e.g. photos, homepage, etc.). Deadline for applying is Saturday 1st of October 2011!
What we need from You for Your presentation? 20 images (resolution 1024*768 pixels) numbered from 1 to 20, a text document with your exact name/names of other co-presenters, the title of your presentation and, if available, the address of your homepage. Please include the photos and the textfile in ONE zip-file and send to 20-20@pechakucha.at and Cc:maximilian.kamenar@gmail.com (20 images should not exceed 10 MB) not later than Monday 3rd of October 2011.
We will put together a powerpoint presentation from your pictures with an Intro slide showing your name, title of the presentation and your homepage. This introductory slide is shown while you are introduced, as soon as you give a sign your presentation starts, giving you exactly 20 seconds per slide for your 20 slides, altogether 400 seconds or 6 minutes 40 seconds.
If You prefer You may also send us an already finished powerpoint presentation.
In case your presentation contains any special media (sound, video or graphics) please inform us to ensure perfect functionality during the show.
Venue: Pecha Kucha Night @ Vienna Design Week, 8th of October 2011 at 20:20 o´clock k/hauskino Akademiestraße 13 1010 Wien