
Walking-Chair Design Studio at Pecha Kucha Night
Walking-Chair Design Studio at Pecha Kucha Night, DesignWeekend Bratislava

A Region strong in Design: Only a stone’s throw to DesignWeekend Bratislava

From 1 to 3 October, while VIENNA DESIGN WEEK was running full-on, another design event in the immediate neighborhood took place: For the second time „DesignWeekend Bratislava“ was held in the nearby Slovak Capital with Exhibitions, a design market and highlight Pecha Kucha Night, among other … more
kollektiv fischka/


113 events at 60 locations attracted around 26.000 visitors – this is the resumé of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2010, which ended on Sunday 10 October. Again, the city of Vienna, this year more visible and “public” as ever, for 10 days turned into a “City full of Design” – with a rich and multifaceted … more
kollektiv fischka/

Showdown in Hernals

On Saturday 9 October VIENNA DESIGN WEEK once more has several highlights to offer. In the afternoon it is highly recommended to once more visit the Vienna district of Hernals with a street fair taking place and a presentation of the Linz-based designers MARCH GUT. The latter have run a temporary … more
Plakatentwurf zur Ausstellung "2000-2010. Design in Wien"
Plakatentwurf zur Ausstellung "2000-2010. Design in Wien", Grafik: Christof Nardin / Copyright: Wien Museum

On show: Design from Vienna

Only few people, and mostly those working in the field themselves, know that within the last few years Vienna has spawned a lively design scene. And it was about time that those protagonists and their work be introduced to a wider public. The exhibition „2000–2010. Design in Vienna“, on show at the … more
view of the container
view of the container, FOUNDation


FOUNDation is about collecting waste material and old furniture from the neighborhood, moving it to a waste container, reusing it to turn it into a small pavilion (with the container as the foundation), to become a temporary meeting place. Since the beginning of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK a Dutch design … more
Liechtenstein Museum
Liechtenstein Museum, kollektiv fischka/

The Design Palais is rocking

On the evening of September 30th the fourth VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has started off in the wonderfully lit Palais Liechtenstein with a grand opening Event, and was, hosted by H.O.M.E., an energetic kick-off for yet another 10 days in Vienna packed with design in all its facets. During the more formal … more
Ein Haufen Stapel
Ein Haufen Stapel, Sarah Kueng & Lovis Caputo

Ein Haufen Stapel

Tagtäglich werden Tonnen von Altpapier gesammelt und gebündelt. Kueng Caputo wird während der VIENNA DESIGN WEEK mit einfachsten Eingriffen diese Altpapierbündel zu wunderbaren Objekten verwandeln. Kueng Caputo lädt alle herzlich ein, mit oder ohne Papier-Bündel im VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Labor im … more
Zucker-Löffel von Makkink & Bey
Zucker-Löffel von Makkink & Bey, Makkink & Bey

Silver Shines and Sugar Sticks

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK has exciting design teams in its portfolio every year, but only now, in its fourth year, has the festival’s team of directors succeeded in linking up with the LIECHTENSTEIN MUSEUM for a collaboration with substance, for the museum has long been a generous host of the opening … more

IKEA Democratic Designers - apply now!

Multidisciplinary, original, eager to experiment , collaborative: these are the traits of the ideal applicant for the IKEA Democratic Designers Competition, held live during this year’s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. The more colourful the biographies and more diverse the team members, the bigger the chance … more
Tape Installation by for use/Numen at DMY Berlin
Tape Installation by for use/Numen at DMY Berlin, For Use/Numen

Design Needs Ambassadors

The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK is also on the go during the remaining 355 days of the year and outside the Vienna city limits as an ambassador for the design world. The VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy is a format that is put into action at partner festivals, such as the DMY International Design Festival in … more