
NWW Design Award
NWW Design Award

NWW Design Award

With its NWW DESIGN AWARD, Neue Wiener Werkstätte has created a new design award that aims at being an ideas workshop for innovative designs in the area of interior design. Submit your project now! The award winning projects will be presented at Vienna Design Week!
VDW Embassy 2012 at stilwerk
VDW Embassy 2012 at stilwerk

VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy at stilwerk Vienna

Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere auf dem Berliner DMY Festival macht die diesjährige VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Embassy Station in Wien. Von 6. bis 14. Juli ist das von White Elephant gestaltete Musikinstrument, das zeitgenössische Produkte österreichischer DesignerInnen zum Klingen bringt, im stilwerk Haus … more

Li Edelkoort seminar in Vienna

Li Edelkoort, the style icon of trend forecasting is holding one of her coveted seminars on June 4 in Vienna. The Dutch future scout is giving exciting and competent insights in the fields of interior, architecture, lifestyle, textiles, colors and materials. The seminar will be the perfect … more

Milan Design Week 2012

You may not have seen everything, but some things should be mentioned here: Patrycja Domanska presented a lamp that will change with warming its color from green to white. March Good shone with a handsome installation on the satellite, as well as Passionswege participant Ulli Bude who presented … more
stilwerk Wien
stilwerk Wien, 2011, Fotografin: AnnABlaU

Werden sie Teil der VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2012

Liebe Interessentinnen und Interessenten, langjährige und prospektive Partnerinnen und Partner der VIENNA DESIGN WEEK! Was sind die diesjährigen Schwerpunkte des Festivals? Was braucht es um mitzumachen? Wer kommt zum Festival? Wer sind die Zielgruppen? Passt die VIENNA DESIGN WEEK zu mir und … more
Team of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2011, Kollektiv Fischka/

Wir suchen: Assistenz der Direktion VIENNA DESIGN WEEK

Ausschreibung der Position Assistenz der Direktion VIENNA DESIGN WEEK … Für das Büro der VIENNA DESIGN WEEK sowie für ausgewählte Sonderprojekte außerhalb des Festivalprogramms wird die Stelle der Assistenz der Direktion und Office Management ausgeschrieben und soll Anfang Mai besetzt werden.

23. Biennale of Design - Call for Entries prolonged until April 8, 2012

Join applicants from already 34 countries competing for this year’s BIO 23 exhibition and design awards! The winner of the BIO Gold Medal will receive a monetary prize in the amount of €5,000. Designers, commissioners, producers, students and design organisations, from anywhere in the world, have … more
DDBD Logo Detail
DDBD Logo Detail, DDBD

DMY organises "Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany"

Established in 2003 DMY is an agency that in recent years made the Berlin Design Festival an internationally known event. The Festival started out as a segment of the Berlin Designmai event and later succeeded it. Now the agency takes over the organisation of the "Design Award of the Federal … more
Mikser Design Fesitval

Mikser Design Competition 2012

MIKSER FESTIVAL OF CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION … IS HOLDING AN INTERNATIONAL DESIGN COMPETITION: GHOST PROJECT & Young Balkan Designers 2011 – “GET REAL!” Competition is open from 15th February until 31st March 2012. The cultural organization MIKSER, is pleased to announce that in 2012, the Ghost … more
Exhibitionview Libby Sellers Gallery, London
Exhibitionview Libby Sellers Gallery, London, Libby Sellers

Nicolas Le Moigne at Libby Sellers Gallery

Following his graduation in product design from ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne in 2007, Le Moigne has gone on to create award-winning designs that can be described as a celebration of juxtaposition. His work in lighting, product and furniture shows an understanding of, and capacity for … more