
Interview with Tulga Beyerle at Monocle 24

Monocle is one of the best concept magazines of our times, based in London, it has bureaux in New York, Zurich, Tokyo and Hong Kong. Led by editor in chief and chairman, Tyler Brûlé and his editorial team the magazine offers a distinctive mix of smart journalism, international awareness and sharp … more
Patrycja Domanska & Gexi Tostmann
Patrycja Domanska & Gexi Tostmann, Rüdiger Andorfer

Publication on Design and Economy

Seit sechs Jahren konzipiert die Neigungsgruppe Design (Tulga Beyerle, Lilli Hollein und Thomas Geisler) alljährlich zur VIENNA DESIGN WEEK das Format "Passionswege". Es ist dies ein offener, moderierter Annäherungsprozess zwischen Unternehmen und Designschaffenden. Die Resultate dieser … more
Valentin Vodev

Valentin Vodev's Vienna Bike

Frans Snyders (1579–1657) Stillleben mit Früchten, Wild und Gemüse sowie ein lebender Affe, ein Eichhörnchen und eine Katze
Frans Snyders (1579–1657) Stillleben mit Früchten, Wild und Gemüse sowie ein lebender Affe, ein Eichhörnchen und eine Katze, LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vaduz-Vienna

Liechtenstein Museum: Masterpieces from the collections

After a comprehensive redesign of the permanent exhibition of the Liechtenstein Museum, in addition to the previously presented highlights from the Princely Collections, pictures from earlier epochs of European art will increasingly be on display, above all masterpieces of the Central European … more
Grafik für das 21er Haus von Christof Nardin
Grafik für das 21er Haus von Christof Nardin, David Payr/

21er Haus Opening

History … The 21er Haus was built in 1958 by the Austrian architect Karl Schwanzer (1918-1975) as a pavilion or temporary showroom for the Universal Exhibition in Brussels. The architectural structure of the pavilion seemed to be floating. The building was conceived in the lightweight construction … more
MAK Design Shop/ After Work Meeting Point: Les Tartes
MAK Design Shop/ After Work Meeting Point: Les Tartes, Kollektiv Fischka


The exhibition at the MAK DESIGN SPACE shows the work done in the laboratory so far and evaluates the test operation of the Experimental Design and the eight prototypes. The mix of traditional and innovative elements, such as novel communication furniture and alternative education systems … more
Global Village
Global Village, Kollektiv Fischka


Exotic objects have always held a fascination for Europeans who came in contact with ethnic groups from far-away lands. Over the centuries the treasure chambers of the rulers of the times were filled. However, articles were largely ignored that could not immediately be recognised as being the … more
Ausstellung: Totem and Taboo
Ausstellung: Totem and Taboo, quartier21


TOTEM AND TABOO: complexity and relationships between art and design examines the interrelationships between art and design, and also the strategies employed by artists and designers in the bordering and overlapping areas of their respective disciplines. With Øystein Aasan, Stephane Barbier Bouvet … more
Team of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2011, Kollektiv Fischka/


VDW Flyer Sause
VDW Flyer Sause

The big VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Festival Party!

AUDIO: JOJA (JNE // sound:frame AV) KEN HAYAKAWA & LUMA.LAUNISCH, „INNENWELTKOSMOS“ audio-visual live show (sound:frame AV) QUARION (Drumpoet Community, Retreat, Berlin) GEORGE FITZGERALD (Hotflush, London) VISUAL: WEMAKEVISUALS (sound:frame AV) VALENCE (sound:frame AV) Eintritt: AK 14€ … … more