3/9/2013VIENNA DESIGN HERBST presents magazineBe on-site, be the first! VIENNA DESIGN HERBST presents the first magazine on Thursday, September 5 at stilwerk Vienna (Praterstraße 1, 1020 Vienna) at 7pm! More infos here...
21/8/2013Future Urban Mobility LABThink mobility and innovative urban development! Apply now for "Future Urban Mobility LAB 2013" and develop interdisciplinary concepts and strategies for future mobility, in collaboration with Spirit Design and aspern Vienna’s Urban Lakeside. More information here...
insiderei.com19/8/2013be inside VIENNA. Edition No. 6Also this year we are pleased to collaborate with our media partners. Read the interview with VIENNA DESIGN WEEK direktor Lilli Hollein with "A-List.at / insiderei.com", including personal recommendations of our great city of Vienna.
12/8/2013Nespresso supports you with EUR 15.000!Nespresso Austria promotes young design talents with the initiative NESPRESSO CONTEMPORARY. Submit your concept until September 13 and recieve the Nespresso scholarship, endowed with EUR 15.000!
2/8/201310 % on daily rates!25h Hotel Vienna offers 10 % on daily rates to every VIENNA DESIGN WEEK fan! Simply book your room online at 25hours-hotels.com/booking. More information here!
departure17/7/2013departure calls for entries!Departure, the Creative Agency of the City of Vienna, calls out for submisions for this year´s theme "New Sales". For all designers who need support with marketing, sales and distribution - don´t miss your chance! Submission ends October 3, 2013!
Kollektiv Fischka/fischka.com16/7/2013TEMPUSCOPE by March GutTEMPUSCOPE is the seventh installation of the design competition Rado Star Prize Austria, in which selected designers present their work for one month. Currently the Austrian designstudio March Gut is presenting its installation at the Rado Store on Kärntner Straße in Vienna.
Teresa Steiner / ABC Ana Berlin Communications8/7/2013Making Of Passionswege 2013Patience is a virtue, now you shall be rewarded! Here we introduce the official coupling of Passionswege participants of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2013!
2/7/2013Passionswege 2013"Experimental design as an open process" or "Old tradition meets New Design?" This year´s Passionswege designers met to share their first concepts over dinner and some glasses of wine.
ABC Ana Berlin Communications26/6/2013And the Winner is...The Italian designstudio "Formafantasma“ was elected by an international jury as the winner of the European Home Run 2012. Public's favourite was the Spanish designer Héctor Serrano with his idea of a „Pop-up Vienna“.