
Guided Tours
Guided Tours, Kollektiv Fischka

Go! Go! Go!

Would you rather be on your own, or follow an umbrella instead? VIENNA DESIGN WEEK offers Guided Tours, Design Tours for pupils as well as route recommendations. Be the first and book now!

Design Insider. Inside Design.

Die Insiderei fragt weltweite Local Heroes aus der Creative Industry nach ihren persönlichen Lieblingsplätzen. Interviews mit Design-Heroen der diesjährigen VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Passionswege, Labor und Stadtarbeit finden Sie hier...

An invitation to the 4th dimension

4D-Jewellery Design and Accessoires. A strong Czech generation of Jewellery Design with strong tendency to the design of the 60s/70s. Don´t miss the vernissage on Wednesday, 18.9.2013, starting at 7pm at Tschechisches Musem Wien (engl. "Czech Centres of Vienna")!
Kollektiv Fischka

Antoinette Bader wins RADO STAR PRIZE AUSTRIA 2013

The Radostar Prize concept is international and aimed at offering young talent a career springboard, giving their work exposure to key people in the appropriate sector. This year the prize was handed to designer Antoinette Bader who convinced the jury with her WOVEN GEARS project.


A Trailer full of Design! Thanks to the wonderful animation work by Bueronardin and to photographer Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek for the great imagery of this year´s campaign. Watch the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK trailer 2013 here and share it on facebook!

VIENNA DESIGN HERBST presents magazine

Be on-site, be the first! VIENNA DESIGN HERBST presents the first magazine on Thursday, September 5 at stilwerk Vienna (Praterstraße 1, 1020 Vienna) at 7pm! More infos here...

Future Urban Mobility LAB

Think mobility and innovative urban development! Apply now for "Future Urban Mobility LAB 2013" and develop interdisciplinary concepts and strategies for future mobility, in collaboration with Spirit Design and aspern Vienna’s Urban Lakeside. More information here...

be inside VIENNA. Edition No. 6

Also this year we are pleased to collaborate with our media partners. Read the interview with VIENNA DESIGN WEEK direktor Lilli Hollein with " /", including personal recommendations of our great city of Vienna.

Nespresso supports you with EUR 15.000!

Nespresso Austria promotes young design talents with the initiative NESPRESSO CONTEMPORARY. Submit your concept until September 13 and recieve the Nespresso scholarship, endowed with EUR 15.000!

10 % on daily rates!

25h Hotel Vienna offers 10 % on daily rates to every VIENNA DESIGN WEEK fan! Simply book your room online at More information here!