
The Grand Finale

Tonight, 5.10.! Every good thing has an end... We invite you to the Grand Finale at the Festival Headquarters! Sat, 5.10. at 8pm, we celebrate this year´s revivid format "Debut", and especially its participants! With Zirkus Maximus / DrOmega, at 10pm! Feel yourself invited & invite your friends!
© Schloß Schönbrunn Kultur- und Betriebsges.m.b.H.

The Evolving Collection and the Steady Cocktail

Today at 6pm, Cocktail at Hofmobiliendepot • Möbel Museum Wien! Come and have a look at an outstanding collection of new Austrian furniture design with works by mischer'traxler, bkm, For Use, breadedEscalope, MARCH GUT, Martino Gamper, Walking-Chair, EOOS, and more.
Kramar /

That´s the way to the talk!

Get close to designers and look them over the shoulders at our Laboratory! Within the work theme: "Idea reloaded" designers redevelop ideas of other designers. Don´t miss today´s Lab Talk with BOICUT, starting at 6pm!
matali crasset productions

MATALI CRASSET. Root ’n’ Books.

On Thu 3.10., 5pm - don´t miss the talk with Paris designer Matali Crasset, at MAK-Ausstellungshalle. An interesting evening full of interesting interpretations to „an identity anchor in nomadic times“. In cooperation with departure/MAK cooperation design> new strategies.
IDRV (Institute of Design Research) - Haben wir das Zeug dazu?
IDRV (Institute of Design Research) - Haben wir das Zeug dazu?, Kramar /

Going on tour

Focus District Wieden - A district full of long-time residents, insiders and outsiders. But they´re all going through the same: They are going on an expedition with VIENNA DESIGN WEEK to explore new corners of their beautiful district. "City Workers" get the people on the streets...
The Infinitive Factory, Graz & rausgebrannt, Wien

Tradition vs. Modernity

From 2 - 6pm on October 2.- 4., 2013, the Fedrigoni showroom starts a time travel. The company Fedrigoni invites you to traditional letterpress printing, in comparison to modern laser technology. More Details here...
Petra Rautenstrauch /

SECOND LIFE. Recycling Glass Design from Finland

Red cabbage remains red cabbage BUT waste glass becomes new glas. The two Finnish glass artists Jukka Isolta and Jan Torstensson show their talent at the exhibition SECOND LIFE until October 4! If you also have a heart for used glas, come to WAGNER:WERK Museum and see for yourself!

Dementia and Arthritis. What can Design do for me?

Two workshops, not only refering to designers and other creative heads. So, come along you sociologists, therapists, counsellors, the ill and their relatives! More information here...

A date with Lladró

Meet the Spanish porcelain manufactory! Rosa Lladró, CEO of Lladró, invites you to a talk along with Inma Bermudez and Susana Rodriguez, two of the leading designers in the company. At 12am, today 2.10. at Sofitel Vienna, Praterstrasse 1,1020 Vienna! More details here...

From one festival location to the next -

Watch out for the three VIENNA DESIGN WEEK-branded Renault Capturs and enjoy your free ride from one festival location to the next! Start: Today, at 10:30am at our Festival Headquarters (4., Argentinierstraße 11) The entire schedule here...