JAPAN MANGA by Megumi Ito
Rado Star Prize Austria 2013: JAPAN MANGA by Megumi Ito
Duration: through April 14, 2013
Venue: Rado Store, Kärntner Straße 18, 1010 Vienna
Contradictions, expectations, contrasts. These are the elements with which Megumi Ito, the third finalist of the Rado Star Prize Austria 2013, plays in her installation. The shop window of Rado store is the showcase, in which stuffed animals, cartoon and fantasy characters are presented. Colorful LED lines complement this Japanese comic counter world. Including contrasting Rado watches with its simple, elegant image.
Rado Star Prize 2013
Designers and artists are invited to design the shop window of the Swiss watchmaker Rado at Vienna Kärntnerstraße. In addition to a month-long presentation the winner will be awarded with the "Rado Star Prize 2013".