IKEA Democratic Designers - apply now!
Multidisciplinary, original, eager to experiment , collaborative: these are the traits of the ideal applicant for the IKEA Democratic Designers Competition, held live during this year’s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. The more colourful the biographies and more diverse the team members, the bigger the chance of getting chosen to face the IKEA Challenge: all five teams have the same pool of products at their disposal and the same spacial set-up – but the results should and will be completely different ones! Being a spectator from 1 to 4 October at the Vienna Schubertring will be fun indeed, but how about celebrating a sportive interior design session with your “crafty” grandma, your cousin who is a car mechanic and your biotechnologist friend in a team?
Applications can be handed in until September 13 at http://www.democraticdesigners.at/wettbewerb-interior-live