FOUNDation is about collecting waste material and old furniture from the neighborhood, moving it to a waste container, reusing it to turn it into a small pavilion (with the container as the foundation), to become a temporary meeting place.
Since the beginning of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK a Dutch design collective, consisting of Rikkert Paauw (stortplaatsvandromen.nl), Jet van Zwieten (jetvanzwieten.nl), Boudewijn Rijff (stortplaatsvandromen.nl) and Hein Lagerweij (heinlagerweij.nl) has been looking for materials in the 17th district of Vienna. The container, located at Vienna’s underground station “Alser Straße” (U6) is already well filled now and they are busy building…
A magazine documenting the ongoings in and around the container-pavilion and also the progress of the project will be published daily by graphic designer Jet van Zwieten.
Call for contributions! Anyone with waste material or tips for the project: Don’t hestitate to visit the designers at the metro stop Alser Straße!