A Region strong in Design: Only a stone’s throw to DesignWeekend Bratislava
From 1 to 3 October, while VIENNA DESIGN WEEK was running full-on, another design event in the immediate neighborhood took place: For the second time „DesignWeekend Bratislava“ was held in the nearby Slovak Capital with Exhibitions, a design market and highlight Pecha Kucha Night, among other events, and invited everyone to a design-intense oscillation between Vienna and Bratislava.
DesignWeekend Bratislava was initiated in 2009 and aims at presenting young Slovak designers as well as reinvent and re-position the city of Bratislava for the public. With numerous exhibitions in the city centre, presentations in shopwindows, guided design tours, a design market and a children’s program with workshops, around 25 design studios presented their work.
The „Pecha Kucha-Night“, a format which is also a highlight of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, took place at the Slovak National Gallery and besides many interesting guests from the greater region also welcomed guests from Austria: Photographer Bernd Preiml as well as the singing design guerrilleros fom Walking-Chair Design Studio in Vienna gave presentations. He or she who hasn’t swung to and fro between Vienna and Bratislava in matter s of design this year should definitely plan to do just this in 2011 – it’s only 60 kilometres between the two design locations! More information: www.dizajnvikend.sk