8.11. - Die Lange Nacht des Design (engl. The Night of Design)
Window Gallery at Vienna Design Week Office (@ stilwerk Vienna) proudly presents an installation by the Austrian designer Thomas Feichtner on November 8, 7:30pm. The exhibition durates from November 9 to 30, 2013.
Design Eclipse
Exhibition by Thomas Feichtner
Design eclipse is a game with the moonlight that falls through the roof opening of the Window Gallery. The design objects by Thomas Feichtner cast shadows, the colors are transferred to the ground are caught and withheld.
Vernissage: 8.11., 7:30pm
during "The Night of Design"
Duration of exhibition: 9.11. - 30.11. 2013
Venue: stilwerk limited edition window gallery
c/o stilwerk Wien, Praterstraße 1
3. OG, Shop 31, 1020 Vienna
No entrance fee!