(CLOSED) Urban Food & Design: City as a resource

Urban Food & Design Challenge 2023

Together with the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, the Vienna Business Agency is organising a challenge on the topic of City as a Resource as part of the Urban Food & Design format. The call for entries is aimed at designers and creative professionals of all disciplines.

The city is an endless source of resources and possibilities. Knowledge (traditional as well as newest research), space (built as well as farmed) and technology (old and new) play key roles that can be used to make metropolitan regions fit for the future.

Following on from last year’s edition, the Urban Food & Design format is again activating the innovative power of the design and creative community to initiate change processes in three different sectors of the food industry. With this call for concrete challenges on the topic of City as a Resource, Urban Food & Design enables cooperation with selected partner companies to jointly develop innovative design solutions. Designers can thus work directly on decisive challenges of the urban food supply with potential for realisation and present tangible projects as part of the festival programme of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. The design solutions developed are intended as a starting point for long-term cooperation between the creative and food industries


We are looking for design solutions to the following challenges:
- Aminolove by Arkeon
- Viennese Soybean by Wiener Gusto
- Growing together by City Farm Augarten

The projects selected by the jury will each receive 5,000 euros (incl. VAT) as honorarium and to support the implementation of the project at the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2023 (September 22 to October 1, 2023).

All submissions must be made via the online form by 11:59 p.m. on May 7, 2023.

All information about the submission, the individual challenges and the conditions of participation can be found under this link (PDF).

The following supplementary documents should be uploaded via this link:

Project presentation with sketches, visualizations, graphics, photos, etc.
CVs of the submitters with presentation of previous, topic-relevant activities
Cost overview
Please use the password UrbanFood2023! for the file upload and mark the files with your name or project title in the file title.


You want to submit and have questions? To give interested parties the opportunity to ask questions directly to the partner companies, we are organising three Ask Me Anything-sessions. Contact persons from the Vienna Business Agency and the Vienna Design Week will also be available at each session to answer questions about submitting.

13 April, 10:30-11:30: Wiener Gusto
13 April, 13:00-14:00: City Farm Augarten
17 April, 15:00-16:00: Arkeon

Please register by 12 April at b.a@viennadesignweek.at. You will then be sent the link to the respective online meeting. It is possible to participate in all sessions.

We look forward to your questions!


Duration of the call for proposals: March 10 to May 7, 2023

Development of the concrete concepts in cooperation with the companies: May 15 to September 21, 2023

Presentation during the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK: September 22

Are you interested in submitting?

The partner companies are available to answer detailed questions at Ask Me Anything sessions. For further information, please contact the Vienna Business Agency and the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK.

Contact persons for the Urban Food & Design Challenge:

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien
Alice Jacubasch
T + 43 1 25200 754

Alexandra Brückner
T +43 650 955 1111


VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Petra Rautenstrauch