Distributed Design Platform
The Distributed Design Platform acts as a place of exchange and networking for the European maker movement. The aim of the initiative is to develop and promote links between designers, manufacturers, and the market. As a cooperation partner of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, the Distributed Design Platform is organizing an exhibition and associated conference about one of the basic principles of decentralized working methods: open design. International and local experts join the interactively involved audience to discuss the question of how design – as a tool and a solution that is free from proprietary ownership rights – can be made available exactly where it is needed.
The Distributed Design Platform is overseen by Fab Lab Barcelona (IAAC – Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) and includes cultural institutions from right across Europe, including Happylab, Austria’s first Fab Lab.
Workshop “Biomaterial Cookbook”: Sat 21.9., 11am–midday
Workshop “Can sheep and bacteria be friends?”: Sun 22.9.+Mon 23.9., 4pm–7pm
Workshop “Found Objects”: Wed 25.9., 2pm–3pm
Workshop “Krater Collective: Feral Harvest”: Wed 25.9., 4pm–5pm
Workshop “3D Printed Clay Column”: Sat 28.9.+Sun 29.9., 11.30am–3.30pm+4pm–8pm
Sign up for the workshops here:
Festival Headquarters
3., Landstraßer Gürtel 51
Conference: Thu 26.9., 11am–5pm
The Distributed Design Platform conference invites participants to critically examine the role of design and use the practices of open design to challenge existing design and production paradigms. Together, participants will address topics such as open source, collaborative and community-oriented approaches as well as the question of how creative activism as a powerful tool can change the status quo. The conference will feature a keynote speech by Alice Rawsthorne, which is part of the Erste Bank Social Design Award ceremony.
Festival Headquarters
3., Landstraßer Gürtel 51
Workshop “Transform plastic waste into your designs with the power of the sun!”:
Wed 25.9., 5pm–6pm
2., Schönngasse 15–17