VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
VIENNA DESIGN WEEK/Kollektiv Fischka/Niko Havranek
Design in Gesellschaft




MAK – Museum für angewandte Kunst


A museum visit that recalls the consumption of fast food: In the middle of the columned main hall, the Viennese collective Design in Gesellschaft is serving a selection of oversized and very striking design icons on an accessible tray. But the huge menu isn’t alone: Curated tours through the exhibition spaces of the MAK include unexpected stories and cross-references that establish links between the most varied of exhibits. But while the installation MAK MENÜ presents the museum as a place for consuming fast culture, it also shows that this appetizing façade hides many things to which we should devote more time. The aim of the intervention by Design in Gesellschaft is to encourage us to investigate not only the many special artifacts in the MAK but also the wider issue of contemporary communication in museums.

Curated by Marlies Wirth (Curator of Digital Culture and Custodian of the MAK Design Collection)
Concept and realization: Design in Gesellschaft

The members of the cooperative include Franz Ehn, Sophie Falkeis, Stephanie Kneissl, Philipp Loidolt-Shen, Mia Meus, Peter Paulhart, Kerstin Pfleger, Johanna Pichlbauer, Isabel Prade, Julia Schwarz, and Christoph Wimmer-Ruelland.

MAK Design Nite: Tue 20.9., 6pm–11pm
Free admission