Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka


Guided Tour

DEPARTURE TOUR 3: FASHION IN FOCUS The Vienna Business Agency presents departure in focus

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, VIENNA DESIGN OFFICE

7.10.2016, 11am–2pm

Snazzy in the Focus District. Or: Window shopping with a difference! The departure tour FASHION IN FOCUS showed how diversely Margareten
outfits itself by visiting open studios and showrooms of elfenkleid, Margaret and
Hermione, Ute Ploier, and Claudia Brandmair. It was a pavement catwalk right
through and across the district, the participants found out about businesses in the fashion branch, took a look behind the scenes, and got a fascinating inside view of the everyday life of a fashion label. The tour – a shop window of Viennese fashion design.