Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka
Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka
Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka
Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka
Christine Wurnig / Kollektiv Fischka




7.10.2016, 1pm

Folk meet folk through talk. Certainly at the meal table. This is proverbial in Austria, and gave Ana Berlin and her team cause to extend an invitation to a communicative lunch in the stilwerk Wien. A specialist for communication and public relations, A B C is not only in charge of the public relations department of
the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, but works in general at the interfaces of art, architecture, design, and the creative industries – generates synergies, charmingly propagates what’s new to the world, and communicates news.
Designers, architects, and creative people got together at the A B C lunchbreak
with multiplicators, journalists, project developers, and producers. After a short round of introductions, people got round the table with antipasti and petits fours in a relaxed session of networking, getting to know one another, and knowledge sharing: Have a break. Have a chit-chat.