Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz 2015

Stadtarbeit – City Work

Guided Tour

Where does the Brick come from? - Guided Tour of the Brick Museum

Steineder Plankensteiner Scholz

29.9.2015, 6pm–7.30pm

What does the chicken on the brick mean? Why do we have to climb up steps from Gumpendorfer Straße onto Mariahilfer Straße? What is a Katzlmacher? What do the terms “sumpfen” and “schlemmen” stand for? Why are bricks yellow? Why don’t we have to worry any more about burning?

Dr. Gerhard Zsutty is the director of the Vienna Brick Museum and for more than forty years has studied how bricks are made (12,000 of them in the collection!), so he knows what’s what in bricks.

Maximum 15 persons