Alice Stori Liechtenstein



Welcome to the Living Room! - Workshop Installation in the Making curated by Alice Stori Liechtenstein

migrationlab, verein08, Alice Stori Liechtenstein

25.9.2015, 2pm–7pm

Design is not a dogma. Within the practical, logical and aesthetic frame conditions offered by good design, there is room for the individual to personalize and adapt surroundings to his or her needs and tastes. A country’s law and values should allow for different cultures to cohabit a common living room. Ten people from different regional and social backgrounds will be invited to build and customize Enzo Mari's famous chair Sedia 1 (part of the 1974 series Autoprogettazione) with paint, upholstery and fabrics. The pieces will be arranged as to give the feel of a living room, to encourage conversation and dialogue.,