Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka
Gregor Buchhaus / Kollektiv Fischka



The Small and the Large Solutions

Dominique Perrault, Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost

30.9.2015, 6.30pm–8.15pm

One of the absolute highlights of this year’s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK was the inspiring lecture given by the French star architect Dominique Perrault in the Looshaus on Michaelerplatz. The iconic rooms were heaving with people – it was also an occasion for an exclusive viewing of the rooms. Perrault and his partner Gaëlle Lauriot-Prévost introduced the public to their current works. The extension and renovation projects of the Pavillon Dufour in the Palace of Versailles, the Longchamp racing course and the Poste du Louvre in Paris demonstrated the high degree of detail in their concepts and the idiom they have been jointly developing for decades. Perrault, who also planned Austria’s highest, the DC Tower, once more made an unforgettable impression here in Vienna ...