Tino Valentinitsch: Sneaker-Design-it yourself
Kunst Haus Wien
27.9.2014, 2pm–6pm
Among other assignments, Tino Valentinitsch worked for four years as a footwear designer for the sports shoe company of Adidas. The industrial designer has brought 150 shoe samples and original sketches with him from the firm. He presents these in the workshop and demonstrates the lengthy process that goes into making a finished shoe out of a design. Valentinitsch gives a course in creative designing and explains what is feasible in realisation and how different sneaker labels tick. Take up your pencils and design your sneaker yourself!
Workshop with max. 20 participants (from 12 years of age upwards). Registration by 26 September: 01/ 712 04 95–28 (curated by Florentina Welley)