The Small Originals – At Schwarzenbergplatz
WerK Nussbaumer
27.9.2014, 4pm–7pm
The werKstatt of Katja & Werner Nussbaumer in the 7th District in Vienna is an experimental workshop which over the years has produced a great diversity of high-quality pieces, mainly furniture, and delivered them throughout Europe. WerK is showing “the small originals” at the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, furniture reduced to a third of their original size. As part of a “moving” presentation – WerK Nussbaumer will tour through the city on a automotive roundel – the miniature pieces will be shown on four selected sites.
Further dates (only during fair weather), always 4–7pm:
Sat 27.9., 3., Schwarzenbergplatz at the fountain
Wed 2.10., 7., Siebensternplatz
Sat 4.10., 3., Radetzkyplatz