Schrift in der Stadt [CITY LETTERS]
Wien Museum
3.10.2014, 4pm–10pm
Our environment resonates with the staccato of business signs, information boards and street names, but high-quality lettering is gradually disappearing from the urban landscape. A day has been chosen to address this theme – the order of events is up-tempo, anyone can join in at any time – impulse lectures, project presentations, discussions. Guests: Barbara Dechant (Letter Museum, Berlin), Anne Dreesbach (“Typotopografie” booklets /München), Ilona Karwinska and David S. Hill (Neon Muzeum/Warsaw), Verein Stadtschrift, Typejockeys and the graphic artists Erwin K. Bauer, Martin Ulrich Kehrer and Volker Plass. DJ: Atze & LegerDetailed programme available from 1 September at www.wienmuseum.at
Tues–Sun and holidays 10am–6pm
Presentations: Fri 3.10.,4–10pm (free entry for this event)