


Opening curated by_vienna 2014: The Century of the Bed

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien

2.10.2014, 6pm–9pm

The digitalisation of all areas of life means that work has gone back into the home and, in the final consequence, to bed. This has long ceased to be the place to retreat to and relax in, but is now the landscape of globally networked activities. The influence on architecture and design is immediately obvious. It forms the point of departure for the sixth edition of curated by_vienna, which provides the background for showing exhibitions by 20 Viennese galleries, planned by international curators. curated by_vienna is sponsored by departure, the creative centre of the Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, the industrial agency of Vienna, and organised in cooperation with the participating galleries.

3.10.–8.11. in all the participating galleries

Curator: Beatriz Colomina