Reviews: 2013
Passionswege 2013
Experimental, extraordinary design projects developed in cooperation with Viennese producers and shops – these are the Passionswege that have become a core fascination of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. This was demonstrated not least in the latest Passionswege exhibition “WerkStadt Vienna” with outstanding projects taken from the last seven years and shown in Helsinki, Vienna, Milan and most recently Rotterdam.
Rules of play in the Passionswege: part Austrian, part international designers are brought together with Viennese producers and shops in order to realise a project in an open process, free of market pressure but with all the more “passion”. They intervene and experiment, use workshops, reflect the history of business enterprises. The results are then presented in charming shops and workshops, waiting to be roamed through by the public.
All the installations can be viewed from 27 September to 5 October at the relevant opening hours. In addition, on two evenings/afternoons visitors can enjoy a cocktail on the business premises in the presence of the designers.
The Passionswege are sponsored by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce.