Hilda Hellström
Hilda Hellström, Swarovski Innsbruck / Bernhard Aichner



Panel discussion Art/Fashion

Swarovski Kristallwelten Store Wien

27.9.2013, 5pm–7pm

What influence does art have on fashion? Is fashion a form of art? Does art follow current trends? A panel of highly reputed representatives of various disciplines discuss this and other issues. Taking part is Hilda Hellström, Swedish designer and artist, who recently unveiled her installation “The Monument” at Swarovski Innsbruck. Further panel members are Thomas Geisler, Chief Curator at the Vienna Museum of Applied Arts, and Carla Rumler, Cultural Director of Swarovski. Together they investigate the charged field between the polarities of fashion and creativity, between art, design and architecture.
To participate, please e-mail swarovski.events@swarovski.com