design: mikimartinek
handmade: kohlmaierWIEN
maße: auf wunsch
sofaBANK design: mikimartinek handmade: kohlmaierWIEN maße: auf wunsch, foto: rita newman, (c)2012



Freihausviertel in design:context



This year design:mikimartinek is putting on its show in the Freihaus quarter. In a design:caching trip through the “Soho of Vienna” you can find new collector’s pieces: Fair Trade carpets (handmade by Geba), paper hammocks (handmade by Kohlmaier Wien) and sitting balls up-holstered in Loden and leather (handmade by Pregenzer). design:mikimartinek have set a table for you in the Café Amacord and the Bistronomie Coté Sud. Make your reservation!

Get maps for the design:caching at every shop displaying the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK poster in the Schleifmühlgasse!
Guided Tours daily at 5pm; meeting point: Pregenzer Fashion Store, information and registration: 01/58665758.