The Cuckoo Syndrome
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Niederösterreich, Land Niederösterreich, Abteilung Kunst u. Kultur, Uli Marchsteiner
“The Cuckoo Syndrome” is the term given to parasitical production forms that subvert the usual laws of the design market by an alienated implementation of the exhibition venue. The works are shown and operated by Pieke Bergmans (NL), Santiago Cirugeda (E), Curro Claret (E), Martí Guixé (E), mischer’traxler (A) and Andreas Strauss (A).
Curator: Uli Marchsteiner
28 September., 8.30 pm: Hidromel Factory (mead tasting) /Martí Guixé
4 October., 11 am–7 pm: The Idea of a Tree (sun machine)/ mischer’traxler
4 October., 7:30 pm Crystal Virus (glass-blowing)/Pieke Bergmanns
6 October., 6 pm–11 pm Hotpot (collective bathing)/Andreas Strauss