

Talking about: Cooperation. How do designers and business enterprises cooperate?

Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Hadi Teherani, Marti Guixe

30.9.2012, 5pm–7pm

departure has set its aim with the focus “Cooperation” on giving a boost to a seemingly simple task: to encourage creative and industrial concerns to cooperate at eye level and thus bring about a trend change oriented on collective creativity. It is now time to break through the old barriers between content development and production, and make room for new and innovative business models. The mutual strengthening, the acceptance of one another for each other are triggering developments that will converge in the best-case scenario in a permanent partnership. As part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK Talks, the designer Martí Guixé (ES) and designer-architect Hadi Teherani (DE) will present their points of view on the topic.