- Designweek Ausschnitt.jpg
- Designweek Ausschnitt.jpg, Foto: Daniela Kleint



One-Sqm-House & Hartz IV Furniture

Wien Museum


For the first time, the Berlin architect Van Bo Le-Mentzel is a guest in Vienna. He became renowned for his cost-efficient “Hartz IV furniture”, which can be constructed by anyone and everyone. (Hartz IV is an unemployment and social security payment scheme in Germany). His latest project is the “One-Sqm-House”, usable as an alternative to the Occupy tent, as pop-up store or as living container in gentrified residential areas. On Thursday (4 October), Le-Mentzel is building a One-Sqm.House in front of the museum along with anyone who would like to join in, on Friday (5 October) people can come to a party and construct a take-home “Berlin Stool” themselves!