Matylda Krzykowski



Matylda Krzykowski (DE/NL) at the Norbert Meier Bürstenerzeugung (brush factory) and the Petz Hornmanufaktur

Matylda Krzykowski


This Passionsweg project deals with the work of two handicrafts that hardly exist anymore: the brush manufacturer Norbert Meier is one of the last of his trade still possessing a master craftsman’s diploma. In contrast, Thomas Petz, only 26 years of age, is the last Viennese producer of horn ware.
The pleasure of working with both operations goes to the Polish-born designer, curator, scenographer and design blogger Matylda Krzykowski. She is an expert in product design as well as in telling stories, so she is all the more qualified for the very promising cooperation with two handicrafts that are at the brink of disappearance.